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Discover the Magic of Theatre

Educate Theatre Camp

Adaptive theatre education for students and educators of all abilities!

Who We Are

Founded in 2023, E.T.C. started when a couple of professional theatre practitioners and educators decided to team up to bring their love of the arts to the youth and their communities.


Over the past 30 years, we've worked professionally and each developed our own award-winning and unique curriculums. Now we are integrating our theatre and education techniques to not only teach theatre to students, but also important life and social skills that are derived from those lessons.


We are excited to be able to offer our groundbreaking curriculum and instruction all over the country with our new Educate Theatre Camp (E.T.C.) Program.

Our Philosophy

Teaching Life Skills Through Theatre

At E.T.C. we believe that the performing arts have the power to transform lives. We strive to create a supportive and inclusive environment where students can explore their creativity, build confidence, and connect with others. This is what makes us one of the premiere theatre schools when it comes to adaptive theatre education.

Our Programs

Fully Customizable Curriculums to Meet Your Students Needs

We offer a variety of programs, including our Immersive Theatre Camp Experiences, Master Classes, In-Person Future Instructor Training as well as our Award Winning Online Instructor Certification in both Theatre and Adaptive Theatre Education.

How to Give Your Students The Magic of E.T.C. in 3 Simple Steps! 

1.Pick Your Event




One Day


Choose a subject from one of E.T.C.'s Patented Perfect Performance Pillars and we will customize a class for your students or organization!




Three Day

Intensive Skill Camp 


Choose a Perfect Performance Pillar and we will customize the perfect 3 day intensive course to help your students master the skills within.   




One Day

Instructor Adaptive Training

​Let us teach your educators our Award-Winning methods to better understand and more effectively communicate with their special needs students.  




One Week



Choose a subject for each day of the week or one for the entire week! 




One to Two Week

Perfect Performance Camp 


Students go through an entire Professional Theatrical Production from Auditions through Opening Night!




One Week

Adaptive Instructor Certification 


Your educators will be thoroughly trained in our Adaptive Education Curriculum and will receive official E.T.C. Certification upon completing the course.





After School Programs 

Looking for something fun and educational to offer your students as an extracurricular? We will design, implement and train faculty to keep the program running after we've gone.  





Production Camp 

Students will learn and master the skills required to produce their own professional theatrical production within the course of the camp. Ending with a full-scale show created entirely by the students. 




Your Very Own Custom Camp 


Tell us what you are looking for or collaborate with E.T.C. to create a custom camp experience when, where, how long and including the focus that you want for your students of any age or ability level!

2.Choose Your Content


The E.T.C.
Perfect Performance Pillars

Clowning Performance Showcase Talent Show

Our Creative Courses Focus on the Leadership Roles of a Performance.

These would include our courses on:

Directing, Choreography, Playwriting and Production.

Improvisational Comedy, Clowning and Commedia d'ell Arte Class

Our Performance Track Courses Focus on Teamwork and Expression.

Acting, Improv, Commedia dell'Arte and Film/Television/Radio Performance are all included in this block of courses.

Physical Theatre and Dance Class

The E.T.C. Movement Courses focus on Physical Communication.

These courses include Dance, Stage Combat and Physical Theatre.

Playwriting and Script Reading Class

At E.T.C., we offer In-Person Future Instructor Training as well as our Award Winning Online Instructor Certification in both

Theatre Education and Adaptive Theatre. We also offer ETC Phoenix School for Children seeking a well-rounded education. 


3.Book With ETC!

Contact E.T.C. Today and let us get to work on making your Dream Educational Event a Reality! 

Want to help educators everywhere be able to bring the magic of ETC to their students?

Click the Donate Button to help fund the ETC Scholarship Fund!


© 2023 by E.T.C. Educate Theatre Camp a subsidiary of Educate Theatre Company LLC

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